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Walks of Art against Isolation

In Collaboration with

Maria Magdalena Kozlowska, Agat Sharma, Tom Oliver, Dimitri van den Wittenboer, Arijit Laik, Flavia

Three Walks of Art against Isolation is a three week program where various artists are leading a 1-1 walk lasting for 60 minutes. What happens during this walk may be casual, conversational, sensory or provocative.

The walk has simple framework of walks, where one artist will walk with one audience, the artist, decide and design the walk. After an hour we all will meet at the Museumplein. We will have some Chai, share some performances and experiences and then we will leave to our places. The walk is mostly dependent on the artist and their design.

Current always works with what we have. As a performance space, we refuse to wait until things get brighter, as we never know what the future will hold.

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