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Concept Text Pankaj Tiwari Artistic Collaboration & Technical Direction Nick Verstand Interlocutor Michiel Vandevelde Text advice Francesca Lazzeri Outside eye: Maria Dogahe Residency, Production Assistance and Documentation Sankrit Kulmanochawong Technical Producer  Wout Panis Creative Technologist Wes Broersen Technical Assistance Jose Rosenzweig Audio Design Marijn Cinjee  




Co-Production SPIELART Theatre Festival | deSingel Antwerp | Fonds Podiumkunsten | Amsterdam fonds voor de Kunst

Residencies Grand Theatre Groningen | Gessnerallee Zürich | HELLERAU - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste

Paperplanes, is a participatory performance installation, that confronts western audiences with the ethics of flying in a globalised world.
A poetic political reflection about climate change and relation between the west and global south, about diverse realities. On one hand, the airplane is a symbol of shame and pollution, and on the other it is a vessel of dreams. Who is allowed to fly, and whose dreams must remain on the ground? Togather with the audience, Paperplanes crafts a future; forgotten, mutated and eaten by the capitalist structure of the west and vomits out seeds of hope and solidarity. 

Paper plane uses poetries as political reflections about climate change and the relation between the west and the global south, about diverse realities. I want to attempt to make 15000 paper planes, as that is the amount one needs in their account to get the visa to Europe.
© 2023 by Pankaj Tiwari
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